Security Advantage of Quantum-Based Computers

A secure approach for cloud-based quantum computing utilizes the data encryption capability of quantum mechanics.


Although quantum technology has advanced rapidly, the day when every household or business will have a quantum computer is still far off. The initial quantum computing will likely rely on a quantum "cloud" where consumers send their computing tasks and data to a state-of-the-art quantum computer hosted by companies like Google, IBM, or others.


Security Advantage of Quantum-Based Computers

But is this strategy secure? It is possible because quantum-based protocols provide unbreakable privacy. In a recent study, trapped ions were used to demonstrate a form of "blind quantum computing". Since the protocol is scalable, it can be integrated into larger quantum computing platforms.


Quantum computers could be revolutionary in computationally challenging areas such as drug discovery and material design. The use of a cloud-based quantum computer will raise questions in these fiercely competitive industries. According to Peter Drmota from the University of Oxford, "a company looking for a new miracle drug or a high-performance battery material wouldn't want to expose their trade secrets." However, theoretically, computations can be performed on a remote quantum computer while keeping the data and operations performed on it hidden. Drmota suggests that "a customer might feel safer using a quantum computer that performs blind quantum computation."


Previous research on blind quantum computation using photonic methods has been conducted by various groups. The fundamental drawback of these configurations is their probabilistic nature, requiring repeated attempts due to the success or failure of quantum entanglement operations and the selection of the desired output afterwards.


Joe Fitzsimons from Horizon Quantum Computing, a company producing integrated software for quantum computers, says, "Performing blind quantum computation solely with photons is challenging due to the lack of deterministic entanglement operations." Fitzsimons, not involved in this study, expects the community to anticipate a demonstration of blind quantum computation using matter-based qubits rather than photon-based qubits.


Drmota and his colleagues successfully demonstrated this using a basic blind quantum computation setup consisting of two trapped ions, one made of strontium and the other calcium. With extended coherence times, the calcium ion serves as a memory qubit, while the strontium ion acts as a network qubit transmitting photons to a "client". Together, the two ions form the "server" of the quantum cloud system.


The network qubit sends a photon to the client via an optical fiber as the first step of the team's blind computation protocol. Since the polarization of the photon is entangled with the electronic state of the network ion, the two objects are quantum entangled. The client uses this entanglement to "steer" the ion's state by measuring the state of the photon.


Crucially, the client secretly selects the direction of the polarization measurement while measuring the photon's polarization. Using this measurement, the client prepares the state of the network qubit. According to Dominik Leichtle from Sorbonne University, "The entire system 'collapses' to a specific state known only to the client." "The server doesn't know which state the network qubit collapsed to because it's unaware of the measurement."


However, the information of the network qubit can be processed by the server through a laser-based procedure intertwining the network and memory qubits. Furthermore, to better guarantee the security of the protocol, the data is encrypted using a technique known as "one-time-pad encryption". With this method, a list of random integers is generated by adding additional rotations to the instructions given by the client to the server. According to Drmota, "everything leaving the client and everything returned to the client is meaningless."


Additionally, the client has a tool to verify that the computation is performed correctly. According to Leichtle, such verification is crucial for trusting an untrusted or error-prone quantum computer. Previous verification techniques had been developed, but they often required a significant amount of computing power. Leichtle and his colleagues devised a more effective methodology that involves testing fake inputs and replacing real data with them.


The researchers implemented this protocol using a two-ion setup and demonstrated how a client can confirm the accuracy of their quantum computations.


The group's initial presentation revealed that a client could instruct the server to perform a simple quantum operation known as qubit rotation. When the data is analyzed and the encryptions are decrypted, the client discovered the expected fringe pattern. By adding more memory qubits, the trapped ion system can be made more powerful and capable of performing more complex computations. Connecting all these qubits will not be easy, but quantum information experts have shown that they can connect tens of trapped ions and propose systems with 1000 ions.


According to Drmota and Leichtle, the blind quantum computation method they developed is "scalable" as this term is defined as the client device and interface remain unchanged regardless of the server's size.


According to Broadbent from the University of Ottawa, "the final demonstration of blind quantum computation using trapped ions and photonic detection represents a significant milestone towards scalable and secure quantum communication." "These developments open the door to a quantum internet that guarantees privacy and verifiability as practical use approaches." Fitzsimons agrees, noting that researchers have had to overcome significant technological hurdles to connect matter qubits to a photon-based communication network. "However, more work will be needed to enable blind quantum computation on quantum processors with higher qubit counts because the current demonstration is still limited by a small number of qubits," he adds.


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